Work like you don't need the money.
Love like you've never been hurt.
Dance like nobody is watching.
Someone sent me this email. It seemed really nice. Simple and real. And I wish I could still write nice poems like I did once before. Before I got into this mess that I now call my life. Yes, I have friends. Yes, I have money. And yes, I do as I please. Still, I am not where I once wanted to be.
Was it the lovely fairy that I left when I entered the world of maturity? Was it Santa and his magical Christmas that I left when I stopped believing that people did care? Was it the magnificent unicorn and its healing power that I left when I filled my head with talk of technology, stocks, investments, and garb?
I don’t know exactly when I stopped looking at the sky.
I don’t know exactly when I stopped dancing in the rain.
I don’t know exactly when I stopped listening to the sounds of the world.
I don’t know exactly when I stopped dreaming.
I don’t know exactly when I stopped laughing like a child.
I don’t know exactly when I stopped.
I just remember that life overtook me.
And this is what life’s supposed to be.
Then death must be such a beautiful thing.
A chance to end the silence and renew my commitment to life.
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