Time to Talk
The appropriateness of the title amazes me. This week has flown by like Quantum Leap, I tell ya. Maybe it's because of all the catching up I've had to do at work, transitioning my role to someone new, plus making sure I shipped all my boxes back to the Motherland.
Yep, I'm talking about going home. It's a bittersweet thing, so let me ramble about it a bit. The 'NOMAD' label has been stamped on yours truly for 3 years now. This Feb marks the 2nd month of the 4th year. Should I expect a hurrah? A token? A crowd boo? I dunno, really. I don't know how other people see me and react. But I know that I was grounded enough to be able to accept change for what it was. I complained, yes, but I acquiesced. Always. Now, I am again going back home, but this time is different. I will have at least 7 months of living in Manila, at home. And when I say home, I mean my dad's house (the house I grew up in). It's been a long while, but I'm sure I can make this work. It's going to be hard adjusting to life in a place where your decisions come second to someone else's. But I've got plans to help my dad with the upkeep, and there is no better role-modelling for my sisters (to follow suit, ahem) than by example. So, yes. The plans for a new digi-SLR are gone. The car, gone. The condo, gone. The money will be put where my mouth has always been (figuratively, of course). Some people who know me say this is a bad thing, bec. they don't agree that I should victimize myself with being the 'Mommy'. I say, blood is always thicker than money. In the end, if it makes me feel good about myself and my family and helps me sleep better at night (granted I don't drink too much coffee during the day), I will do it.
Now, onto time management --- which has come up as a big issue with the boyfriend and his work (A-ha! Did you think we were having problems? Shame on you. Hehehe). He talks about running around getting IT answers from the experts (imagine a chicken with its head cut off lol), who unfortunately, are running around after other experts themselves. It's an endless maze of IT experts bumping into each other. I said, 'you know what? It's all time management. If B(our manager) sees how much time and stress doing this gives you, I'm sure she'll be able to help in one way or another'. I give the bf graphs and sheets, to help him track down how he spends his time. He doesn't do anything with it. Five months later, and still the same problem. Of course, the problem is compounded by ditzy clients who don't know what they want, demanding clients who think IT infrastructure is a mold of clay and IT people are the gods of artists, unhelpful teammates, everyone being CYA ('cover your ass'), and one's gf leaving in a week's time.
It's very pitiful, I think to myself, as I take a much-needed coffee and cig break. Then, I see the bf in the cig area outside, yapping away with another office buddy like there was no tomorrow. What the ---!
Of course, I stay calm. This has happened a million gazillion times before and I am used to it by now. I just faced the fact that the bf is a yappy-face (I love him, God knows), and he just can't help but sneak in 2-7 minutes every hour or so to yap with a buddy or friend. That's who he is. And I love him even if he doesn't change. I think it's part of his upbringing and culture. He's definitely a Type-A personality. When I think about it, that's actually what made me talk to him that first time we had a team lunch. Mr. Yappy face was going on about his partying habits and his guy roommates, and it was very relaxing to see that not all IT people were nerds. That some of them, like me, had lives.
I laugh at it now, but we used to argue about work habits a lot. I guess that's what (almost) a year of dating does to a person. You just gain an understanding of differences in culture, upbringing, and personality. You just have to, or else nothing will work. Looking back, I'm really glad I took the subject 'Cross-Cultural Communication' in college. Maybe that was God's way of preparing me for my guy. Or maybe I'm just being hella sentimental.
Too much space taken up by this article, and too much time spent writing it. I better get back to my time-consuming day.
PS. Pre-Valentine party tonight. Woohooo. Advance greetings of love for Valentine's to all who choose to celebrate it! And remember, if you can't say no, there's always a 7-11 nearby ;D
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