I know, I know. Pretty mushy topic for such a jaded and funky person like me. But the thoughts just keep circling in my mind, and this is my release.
He was an aspiring all-natural body-builder. He wanted to get one step through the door of professional body-building when people pay him to go to the gym and stay healthy. He joined a contest and placed third. He also, however, tried out for a spot to be in an exercise video. He got the part.
She was an aspiring all-natural model. She wanted to get one step through the door of professional modelling and acting without going the shady route of p0rn or the plastics of cosmetic surgery. She joined a modelling contest and didn't even place in the top 10. A week later she moved to California to pursue her acting dreams.
These people, they don't wait for things to come to them. They work for it. And the really good thing is, they know what they want and they know exactly HOW they want to get there. Nothing is left up to chance. Everything is a choice. Their choice.
What's my point?
They have faith in themselves and their ability to reach their dreams. Does it matter if the guy dies the next day in a car accident? Does it mean his life was in vain because he didn't fulfill his dream? Hell, no! But it does matter if the girl, for example, turned her back on her decision and took the shady route to stardom once she got to Hollywood. Yes, it does. The end does not always justify the means. And this is where faith lies, I think.
It's not always the belief in THE GOD that controls everything and has our best interest at heart that defines FAITH. Faith, to me is a personal word. You have faith in yourself, because you are the epitome of all that can be. It doesn't matter where your interest lies as long as the intentions are good. You have faith in your sister being able to rise up from the ashes of her teen arsonies. And you make her feel loved and accepted despite her past, and you trust her to grow out of it. That's faith. You see a homeless guy come sit right next to you in the bus, and the first thing you think of is how much change you have that you can give him. That's faith. You see the waitress flirting with your boyfriend but you don't care because he's your man. That's faith. You've been trying to have kids for years and have failed numerous times but you still believe that having kids is your destiny. That's faith.
And the satisying thing about all this is when other parties are involved and you get the chance to prove that faith does wonders. It can help heal a broken spirit, or it can help encourage a wounded soul. Society and personal faith just makes you want to cry out Hallelujiah in the middle of a busy intersection once you observe it. Faith gives people understanding. Faith makes people hope. Faith enables people to love. Faith gives people faith.
And if you're someone who needs a little faith right now, hold my hand. I need a little too. But I know I'm surrounded by people who have faith in me, and it makes me not wanna go down without my bestest fight. It could just be my nature. It could just be yours. Or it could just be faith, guiding us to our final destination.
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