zhinesade's surreal world

everything about nothing

Monday, December 13, 2004


I know, I know. I've been yapping about my increased weight for months....

But I was actually doing something about it, which, in my book, gives me reason to b1tch about it (the operative words being 'IN MY BOOK').

Finally, after Thanksgiving, the boyfriend convinced me to go on a cleanse program with him. It's a 10-day regimen that cleans out the toxins in your body. The good things are: it will help jumpstart increased metabolism (i.e. for people too lazy to exercise) and there is absolutely no starving involved. The bad things, however, are: no suger/saturated fat/white rice/oils/processed starch/processed wheat/processed grain, and you have to drink a fiber drink in the morning that tastes like sludge.

That was the reason why I didn't write very much after Thanksgiving. I felt so low. I believe low sugar in the body causes you to feel tired because your body is trying to conserve what sugar it has (resisting metabolism). In fact, on the 8th day, I got totally depressed that the bf had to drive me all the way to Pentagon Mall to get a Starbucks after dinner. The food was abso-f>ckin-lutely terrible. I tried to stick with it and not whine, but there was just no taste to it. We ate fruits, boiled eggs, whole wheat bread, non-fat cottage cheese, vegetables, grilled chicken, grilled salmon, and wheat pasta, eating at least 5 times a day. No condiments allowed. 5 days into the cleanse, I discovered soy chips, but that didn't help much. Ugh, the things we do for health. I blame it all on me, for eating so much for roughly a year when I knew it wasn't good for me.

To make the story short, we finished it on December 9, the eve of my D-Day, and boy, was I relieved. I took my first real meal after 10 days, and did my stomach give me a kick! It grumbled...it wasn't used to all the processed fat and oils hahahaha. The irony of it all.

I'm back to normal eating now, but I am trying to watch what I eat. I think I lost at least 5 pounds in those 10 days, and I don't intend to put all those tasteless days to waste by eating my heart out hehehe.

Anyone out there wanna try it? Ping me, and I'll give you the package name of the Cleanse. ;D

Oh yeah, and I fit into my slacks again --- the ones that fit perfectly when I was around 98 pounds.
