zhinesade's surreal world

everything about nothing

Saturday, December 24, 2005

what's it all about

December 24.

Just when everyone is rushing to get their last-minute gift-shopping done, a weird unique person is not celebrating the day she was born.

My weird, wacky, quirky, ooh, did I say weird(?) sister.

Happy birthday, C1 :D
Around last time this year, i was awkward and confused, and angry, and hurt, and just generally sad, because I was with a group of people who thought Christmas was just all about gift-giving and family traditions, and thought nothing of faith or love or grace.

This year, I am with my own family at this special time.

Ah, the difference.

We don't have quite as much food prepared as they did, and we only managed to get one gift for each other, but I'm guessing more merriment will be had tonight.

My dad's sister and her kids are even coming over to celebrate with us, and no one minds. No one will treat them as sadly as I was made to feel a year ago today.

Sad memories are good that way. On Christmas eve last year, I cried over the phone while I was talking to my family. It had nothing to do with missing people. It had everything to do with a woman who didn't know what breeding really was. It was about a person who thought herself the center of her universe, and would accept no one else in her little world.

This year, I'm free of all of that drama. I'm also just a party of one. But with people around me that I am sincerely proud to call family. We have our quirks and dents and imperfections, but we know what tonight is all about. And we prepare to celebrate that grace and blessing.

And if a sister's boyfriend happens to show up and celebrate Christmas with us, I'll be sure to let them know they are most welcome.

Because in the end, we are celebrating that Sacred Spirit of He who was born to bring love and hope to the world.

And in the end, I guess that's what it's all about.

Merry Christmas, everyone.